Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"What you are about to see, is considered safe."

That's a quote from an awesome 2006 movie called, "The Prestige," which is said right before Angier, one of the rival magicians, is about to perform his version of the "Transported Man."  I saw it a couple weeks ago and thought to myself, that was one good movie...

Anyway, what that quote is referring to is one aspect of our daily hygienic lives:

Don't want to scare anyone, but this is what they call, the "Suicide Shower." And we consider it safe, or fool ourselves in believing it's completely ok to stand under, so we can get our hot water.

This is how you know you're not home on Long Island, when you reach up to adjust the shower head, for any reason whatsoever, even if it's just a reflex, and you get a nice, healthy ZAP!

Our "advanced" shower heads we have here, deliver our hot water and make it bearable to take showers in the morning without getting hypothermia.... but I've learned as long as you never touch the shower head or anything near it, you can take a shower electrocution-free...

O, and ironically, when he does the "Transported Man" trick from that movie, lightning bolts come out of the machine, so it looks like he gets shocked..... ha

Anyway there's a story...interesting or not... it's the reel deel... believe it.

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