Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Pulperia

Talking briefly about the subject of food, we have these little shops in Nicaragua called Pulperias.  Basically meaning, grocery store.  Our version of my very much-missed Seven-Eleven's from back in the states...  Pulperias have a huge variety of stuff and each one has some specialties... for example: bananas, laundry soap, chilero (hot sauce), eggs, orange drink, tajadas (plantain chips), coffee, toilet paper, cereal, and a ton of other random stuff... the list goes on.

By my house, there are many pulperias... there's probably one every hundred feet or so... but, there is one that stands out.  One pulperia, first discovered by Phil, that I consider the ultimate pulperia of all time.

This pulperia has the basic name, "Pulperia y Variedades." What makes this pulperia so epic? To someone living back on Long Island, would probably think, "wow, what a dump of a store, who cares, when we have an endless abundance of delicatessens, starbucks, and coffee shops (aldo's)..." Well.... to me, this pulperia never ceases to make me happy, food-wise...

Here's one reason:

EPIC BREAKFAST... for 30 to 40 cordobas (depending on if you get the orange juice) you get this pile of deliciousness...  Eggs, gallo-pinto, two tortillas, endless amount of coffee... basic? pretty much... but I've found if you get up early enough, nothing's better to start you're day than to stop at the pulperia before the service group that starts at 8:30am...

Here's my other reason:

This pulperia happens to have the only supply of this little dessert... Trits (pronounced 'treats'), that I could find in all of Esteli.  It's basically an ice cream sandwich/flying saucer thing, packed into this cup...  I discovered this back in San Juan Del Sur.  This stuff is made in Costa Rica, and is a lot more rare to find up here in Esteli... But my favorite pulperia, which is only a minute from my house, had this most awesome delicious snack... First time I found them there, I cleared out all of their supply... (they only had like 5).

Now you know about pulperias, and why I have one special pulperia that I call, "My Pulperia".  My thanks goes to Phil for venturing there first and discovering about its existence and the breakfast they have.

que rico...

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