Tuesday, October 19, 2010

first two weeks: Esteli Central Congregation

Our assigned congregation is called Esteli Central, one of five congregations in the city.
Two congregations meet at our hall, Central and Centenario (not sure how to spell it).

You know who those goons are...

So here are some pics of the hall.  The last pic gives you and idea of the street it's on and the surrounding scenery.  Jehovah's house is always a beautiful standout, but you can definitely appreciate it here in a third world city (not the cleanest place).

Esteli Central Congregation is made up of about 70 publishers.  There's one local elder, Hermano Vaquedano and the missionary couple, Ajah and Arturo.  They've been in their assignment here in Esteli for about a year and a half and they're really cool.  Arturo's really excited we came and I'm really looking forward to working with and learning from the missionaries.

Anyway, it'll be nice to help with the various responsibilities in the hall and help out however we can.  There's actually one responsibility Arturo was telling us about where you're stationed at the hall for a certain amount of time and watch over it.  It's pretty much to make sure the hall is always being watched and cared for.

O and by the way, in that last pic, it looks like Phil and Jordan are trying to get in... It's because they are.  We got bikes and rode them to the group, but left them at the hall.  And yea, they got locked in the hall.  That's about it, not too exciting...


  1. Dude, you totally caved and made a site! I love it though... hehe now that I can see it you will have to watch what you say about your fellow need greaters in Esteli!

  2. Ha that's awesome you found it... yea I haven't mentioned you guys yet on the site lol... eventually tho
