Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Esteli Crew

Hey there,

A lot's been going on here... but in my attempt at trying to be informative and organized, I'm gonna try to talk about one theme at a time...

This is gonna be about the friends of Esteli Central.

Let's get started:

This is us with Kyle and BJ from Wisconsin...they were visiting for a bit and they left a few weeks ago...

Here we are at Bridget's house with all of the Need-greaters in one group photo.  Starting from the back left we have: Phil, Lynette, BJ, Nahum (who's from Esteli South Congregation and also occasionally gives Phil and I Spanish classes, because he's an English professor), Jeanelle, Brianna, Jordan, and me.  And then starting from the front left we have: Kady, Bridget, Kyle, and Meagan.  Sadly, a bunch of people in this photo already left or are leaving soon.

This is a more recent photo, taken after a congregation party Bridget had at her house and also the going-away party for Brianna, Lynette, and Jeanelle.

This is a pic from during the party.  Bridget set up a fun jeopardy game for the congregation to participate in.  Arturo was the announcer.  Everyone had a blast.

Here's Mr. Phil with Bismark Rojas up on the stage at the hall.

This is the photo taken after the pioneer meeting we had earlier this month.  The first week in November we had the visit of the Circuit Overseer, Hermano Quinones.

This is a photo taken out in the ministry.  Here, we have Arturo Manzenares speaking with one of the ministerial servants, Fidencio.

This is Ajah Manzenares and a couple of the sisters.

Phil took this pic out in the ministry... I had to hold this one elderly sister's hand, Hermana Geronima (not sure how to spell these names but), going down a steep hill.

 We were out in service, and I told my friend Fe'lix (once again spelling is probably wrong), to stop for a second, mostly because I liked the view and I have an obsession with having some kind of person in my pictures... Fe'lix has groups to play basketball each week, which I still have yet to go.

Here's a cool couple from our hall: Benjamine and Michelle.

And lastly, our congregation: Esteli Central.  This was taken about a week ago. 
Feel free to click on the photo, because it makes it larger...

And that's it, just a glimpse at our friends we interact with here in Nicaragua on pretty much a daily basis.


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