Saturday, November 13, 2010

Recent Theocratic Activities: Campaign and District Convention


The campaign for the district convention started sometime towards the end of October.  It's funny, because it just felt like yesterday when we had the campaign on Long Island, which was actually back in August... The first week in November was the Circuit Overseer's visit, including the pioneer meeting.  And now, this weekend, we have been having the district convention, at a baseball stadium in southern Esteli (which, very conveniently is only 8 minutes from where we live), called the Rufo Marin, for the 12th, 13th, and 14th of November.

These few weeks have been very productive and exciting.  On my way home from service last week, a man called me over, speaking in perfect English, which was somewhat unusual.  This led to a conversation asking why I was here, initially he thought I was a mormon... but after finding out I was a witness, told me his mother is a witness in the states.  He told me he moved back to Nicaragua to find some purpose in his life and I offered him a study! So, we exchanged numbers and had our first study last Tuesday and it went great.  One cool thing is, even though we are having the study in Spanish, switching over to English to express something better isn't a problem.

Now, it's time for some pics:

Borrowed this pic from someone else.  Here's a group ready to go out and start the invitation campaign. 

The overview of the Rufo Marin attendance, which was over 1,500 people on Saturday.  Also, getting seats that weren't in the sun were tough.  People get their seats an hour earlier than they do back home... which makes sense, because I definitely wouldn't want to be sitting in the blistering sun that whole time.

This gives you an idea of the scenery of the Rufo Marin.  It's really cool seeing the landscape of the lush, green mountains acting as sort of a backdrop for the stage.

These are the pictures I took of the baptism candidates and of the baptism pool.  Not sure the exact number of newly baptized ones yet, there were at least 40 or so.  It was amazing to hear so many candidates say, "Si!", at the same time.  

So, that's all for now... hope you don't have an information overload.

Love you all.

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